Damon Braces for Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth are those that aren’t aligned or grow out of place. These teeth are common in both children and adults. Infants losing their milk teeth are very likely to experience these crooked teeth. Crooked teeth or misaligned teeth are not a matter of concern in childhood as they will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth. But for other age groups, crooked teeth are definitely a matter of concern. Following are some of the oral health issues caused by crooked teeth: Uneased chewing: Your teeth are formed in a certain shape and position as different types of teeth have different functions, so the misalignment of the tooth can cause problems in chewing different types of food items. Digestion Problem: Food particles that aren’t broken down properly, because of the improper alignment of teeth may cause further digestion issues. This is common with people of all age groups. Damage: Crooked teeth are not fixed in their actual position and thus create an extra extrusion that can col...