Learn about Open Bite Causes, Problems and Treatment with Damon Smile
Open Bite is a type of malocclusion, or in other words, misalignment in which the upper and lower teeth at the front bend slightly outwards and do not touch when the mouth is closed. It can be found in both children as well as adults. Causes of Open Bite Following are some of the main causes of Open Bite: An improper swallowing pattern is a habit that begins from a very tender age and it is found in a lot of people. Poor tongue posture can cause pressure on the front upper and lower teeth, leading to deformities and misalignments. Rheumatoid arthritis or dental arthritis can cause an Open Bite situation, as inflammation and swelling of gums can lead to severe pain and malocclusion of teeth. An injury to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be a reason leading to the formation of an Open Bite case. Similarly other chronic jaw or dental injuries can lead to forming habits that can eventually cause an Open Bite. The lack of space for adult teeth to erupt can cause a misalignment with old...